XxxPass-Team 2007 | Danger Cracking & Hacking Tools - Ver 1.0
- Exploit Collection (4 Tools)
- Google Hacking (4 Tools)
- Keyloggers (5 Tools)
- Binder & Packer (15 Tools)
- Flood_DOS (20 Tools)
- Messenger (11 Tools)
- Bruter (9 Tools)
- Anonimity (1 Tool)
- !!! $$$ !!! (13 Tools)
Exploit Collection
1. 10377 Exploit
2. SMF ShoutBox Xss & HTML Injection
3. SMF Ultimate Shoutbox Cookie Disclosure Exploit
4. Firefox_BuG
- 1. MSN Extreme 3.0
- 2. MSN Spy Lite v1.0
- 3. Yahoo Hack!
- 4. Hotmail Email Hacker
- 5. Hotmail Hacker Gold
- 6. HotmailHack
- 7. YahooUltraCracker
- 8. winks,moods,mugins,weemees and meegos + Installer
- 9. MSN Messenger Account Cracker v2.0
- 10. SH Yahoo Pass Sender 1.1
- 11. Yahoo Password Decoder
Google Hacking
1. Alt GooGle
2. Google Version 1.2
3. Google H4ck3r (3 programs)
4. GooLink
- 1. Elgolf 1.0 Beta
- 2. ESK KeyLogger
- 3. Glog Keylogger
- 4. HermanAgent
- 5. IKlogger0.1
1. WebCrack v4.0
2. Brutus
3. Crack FTP
4. FTP Brute Hacker
5. phpbb bruteforcer
6. PhpBB Pass Extractor
7. phpBB Cracker
8. Email Cracker
9. FTP Brute Forcer
!!! $$$ !!!
- 1. Cmaster
- 2. CC Verify
- 3. CWizard
- 4. THCC
- 5. Visa Card Generator 06
- 6. Carcabot_Mass_Email
- 7. CcHack
- 8. CC-Fake
- 9. cvv2c
- 10. DesertCVV2
- 11. id-fake
- 12. Paypal-Link-Spoofed
- 13. HoW to get Credit Cards Fresh and Fastest
1. Uploader for All
2. Cool Small Usefull Dp
Flood DOS
- 1. Flowbabeflow
- 2. FreeSiteKiller V 2.01
- 3. Webxgrab
- 4. Web Attacker ENG
- 5. TheRapist-Dos Attacker
- 6. HybridFlood2
- 7. Ati-russ 3.0
- 8. Http Bomber v1.001b
- 9. Sprut
- 10. DoS_5
- 11. etherflood
- 12. DoSAttacker
- 13. phpBB Dos
- 14. phpBB Attacker
- 15. Ping Attack
- 16. Site Nuke
- 17. Divine Intervention
- 18. UC Forum Spammer
- 19. Inferno Nuker
- 20. Multiple Site Flood
Mau ?? 176 MB.
silahkan download di link bawah ini.
==> via Indowebster.
"Free Download Tool Hacking dan Cracking *klik disini"
password ==> XxxPass_DJ_haselking
==> via Rapidshare
1. http://rapidshare.com/files/85433778/XxxPass-C_H_Ver1.0-_2007-part1_up_by_juur.xup.pl.part1.rar
2. http://rapidshare.com/files/85426770/XxxPass-C_H_Ver1.0-_2007-part1_up_by_juur.xup.pl.part2.rar
Pass : XxxPass_DJ_haselking
Pass : -XxxPass_DJ_haselking